The good is really good, the bad is pretty ugly
I've given some pretty vicious reviews today, so don't feel too bad.
The one thing that sticks out about this, to me, is Andagel herself. She's really well rendered, and the way she shifts her weight as you aim up or down is really very fluid. I also liked the idea of using a grappling hook type mechanic in a 3D FPS, and I don't think I've really seen such since Quake 2. Also, kudos for building a 3D engine in flash. It isn't attempted all that often, and when it is, it's generally stuck in the Wolfenstein era of level floors and ceilings. The floaty medical bot was hard to hit, as has been pointed out, but this was a good balancing move, I think, since it never really ran out of juice. It had more personality than the ubiquitous medikit.
The frustrating thing about this game is that it if all of these elements had been implemented more smoothly, it would be a really good game. Unfortunately, aside from Andagel's bending realistically, the graphical presentation just felt... half-assed. I know there's supposed to be a grappling hook, but it looks like I just shot a pole with a bullet, and I'm suddenly over there. I know Andagel's walking or shooting in third person view, but she looks like she's just standing there. I know I'm riding on some sort of ship, but I can walk right off the side and still somehow keep up with it. Beyond that, perhaps hundreds of trees passed effortlessly through said ship without event.
The game's concept and gameplay show a lot of promise, enough to convince me that you could have implemented it smoothly, but didn't. Next time around (and there should be, I think), don't rush to release; take the time to polish up your ideas.