Documentation is somewhere between nonexistent and unintelligible. If you want to write games in English (monolingual neanderthals that most of us are), you need to learn English. Here are some things that confused me:
Why can my enemies teleport? Why can't I teleport? How can my opponent afford the priciest robot in the first match? Why did I get 'game over' after picking a new team, instead of when I actually lost the match? Is there any way to control when/if I do a close range attack (If indeed that's what that's supposed to be) vs. a long range attack? Why can my opponent knock me up against a wall from across the screen when my robot's most powerful attacks don't seem to budge the enemy?
And what the hell does dragon ball z have to do with this?! Or anything else?!
I think my biggest complaint is the "test room", which appeared to be intended as a tutorial. The text, however, moved at an absolutely agonizingly slow pace (maybe 40 seconds of "the walls hurt you!"), and I couldn't find any way out of the "test room" except to kill both of my robots, for which I was still charged. It's a good thing I knew I could kill myself with the walls!
The graphics are fairly well pre-rendered, and the game is not a bad concept at all, it just needs more documentation in better English with A LOT more bug testing and a lot less dragon ball z. Please.